Tuesday, July 22, 2008

X17 Embraces Britney's Shitty Parenting Skills

X17 Online, the unconditionally Britney Spears-loving paparazzi agency, irritates the hell out of me once again. Yesterday I posted that pic of cute little Sean Preston playing with mommy Spears' pink lighter. x17 had posted that photo, along with a series of others, demonstrating the 2.5-year-old tot grabbing Spears' lighter and cigarettes very curiously and eager.

It must have been a slow day for X17, who then proceeded to re-post the photos yet again this morning, stating, "Brit's just lookin' SO fine in these pix, and little Sean Preston is so cute - not that Jayden isn't! - we just had to post 'em again!"

X17 is and isn't as dumb as one would think for laying out a story as such. You see, the agency was able to state the obvious (Spears' son got a hold of her light-up stash and Spears therefore looks like an irresponsible parent), but still come out looking like the nice guys by (overly) sugar coating a very serious situation.

Although the agency most likely feels it was able to kill two birds with one stone, in the end, the site still comes off ignorant for praising such photos and pathetic for it's desperate attempts at kissing Spears' ass.

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