Sunday, July 20, 2008

In Case Your Internet Connection Was Down Over the Weekend...

  • DMX has been arrested for sixth time in three months--yes, you read that correctly. What was the cause this time around? Identity left. Arrested in Phoenix, Arizona, the rapper allegedly used a fake name and Social Security number to avoid paying a $7,500 medical bill back in April.
  • Khloe Kardashian joined Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan on the list of celebs (or sister of a celeb) who managed to turn a 30-some-odd-day jail sentence into a mere one-hundred-some-odd (or less) minutes. HAHAHA and to think Paris Hilton actually had to rock a pinstripe jumpsuit for a whopping three weeks. Oh, the tragedies...
  • Shannen Doherty will officially be reprising her role as the greatest TV character of all time--Brenda Walsh--on the new 90210. I mentioned before that she was in talks with the producers to possibly do so, but it appears now the Queen has signed on the dotted line to take back her seat on her television throne. Doherty will return to direct West Beverly High's school musical. Whoop-dee-freakin-doo, right? But who cares, as long she's getting screen time!
  • Britney Spears makes her first red (or in this case, blue) carpet event appearance in...what seems like....ever? And even krayzier? She actually looks relatively normal in photos from the event. Normal, but numb. All those sedatives do a damn good job of keeping her emotionless.

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